Thursday, July 22, 2010

Easy Gifting

I really like receiving presents. I know, that sentence sounded selfish. But let's be honest, who doesn't like getting gifts? But what I also really enjoy, is giving presents. However, for an indecisive girl like me, the process of deciding the right kind of gift to give is practically torture. (I know what you're thinking, should I ever get captured by the Chinese for speaking ill about their government, I'll be in for a big surprise when I find out what torture really means.) There are just so many details to factor in to gift giving. The occasion, the personality, how much you really like that person.... The list is almost endless. But I saw a commercial on TV today that will make this process a cinch.

JIF peanut butter. Need I say more? It used to be "choosy moms choose JIF". But's "choose JIF to show someone how much you care."

Problem solved you guys, from now on just expect some JIF from me for any and all occasions.

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