Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love has never been expressed so deeply as it has here.

Jayne and Spencer, after a roaring party with a 6 year old, returned to Provo only to finish their evening with Brother Lee and all his books and some hot and bothered students. Please view exhibit A:You may ask, "Did they ever move while studying?" The answer: YES! Only closer! Please notice the girl across the table from them. She failed her sewing final. Thanks happy couple!

Exhibit B (forgive the poor video quality):

Here is the commentary written out for those hard of hearing--
Spencer: Do it! Come on do it. Suck on her finger. Quick, get the move on . . . PERFECT! Goin' in. A touch of the lips. He's not sure, "Should I do it? Should I not?"

Jayne (inaudible): Take a picture. NO, take a video!

Spencer: Ha ha, I am taking a video! (Spencer adds in some heavy breathing.) I wish you could have just seen that because . . . they . . . um, were biting each others fingers. And, ah . . (Awkward pause.) Jayne, do you have anything to say about that?

Jayne: I'm trying to study. How am I supposed to do that with this kind of, action, going on in front of me?

Spencer (Feeling a bit vain mumbles about the distance of the camera from his face and the happiness of the viewers.)

Spencer: The tension is so thick in here you could cut it with a knife.

Jayne: I'll suck on my own finger so I can feel better.

1 comment:

  1. What if that happy couple starts reading your blog and they totally see a picture of themselves on that a law suit? Or what if they are currently in other relationships and this is their "Own Private Idaho" and you totally just BUSTED them on this blog?
    Not that I want you to feel bad--or stop posting such funny things!
